The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53108   Message #819463
Posted By: breezy
05-Nov-02 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: Singaround: Barton, Beds.UK 4th November
Subject: RE: Singaround: Barton, Beds.UK 4th November
Hope you went to Stoney cos you werent at the other, where, 'the ghost' parks her bike outside the window ,immediately behind where a gallant effort is being made by a participant to play a whistle tune   thus distracting all within by the act of disengaging    flourescent yellow bands , the kind that alert motorists of 'cyclist on the road'style
She was early tonight 10.25 p.m.
So after being told I wasnt going to sing, I got chucked out and told I was banned,,,,,again
See you in Stoney next month, I hate ghosts, especially those that play mallodeons -spelling intended- and count two tunes as one, then do a repeat on whistle, while all around wait for the interuption to pass so that they may continue enjoying themselves.
I suppose after Herga it was a bit of a let down, well down right awfull really, only comparing to a singers night at that club Vin mentions.
Barton is streets ahead of them both.