The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53323   Message #819821
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
06-Nov-02 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: More Reagan/Bush-sized Deficits
Subject: More Reagan/Bush-sized Deficits
Well someone had to kick the election results reaction thread into motion , so it might as well be me.

First , a round of applause for the better-late-than-never final expression of integrity by Bushite appointee to be the head cop-on-the-WallSt-beat; Harvey ,the great White Whale ,Pitt;
officially *ex*-chairman of our Securities & Exchange Commission as of this post-election morning.

Too bad the Bushites could've have chosen integrity from the get-go. It took the actions of a New York State Attorney General,
Rudi Guilianni's old post , to *shame* ol' Harvey the Pitt into finally pretending to do his job of enforcing the law after so many innocent pensioners, employees ,and 401-k holders had been outright lied too and then roobed blind with GDubya's pal-o-mine Kenny-boy Lay of Houston-based Enron.

Well, ofcourse ,my first reaction is the American investor can now kiss good-bye *any* further Congressional hearings on WallSt criminality , ;east of all from Bush campaign doners and general top 5% corporate friends-of-Bushites.

Now ,as if that wasn't enouygh of a reason for American wage-earner/investors , hoping to see retirement at some distant future before their jobs disappear to *watch their wallets* and "Be afraid, bre very afraid" , look out for evermore ballooning deficits to make ol' man Reagan nostalgic and ol' man Bush heave a sigh of relief that now he will no longer be the President recorded for harboring the largest U.S. deficits for all time. This makes Dubya really look like a chip off the ol' block now.

So just what does an All Republican Big Gubment mean?
Forget any further investigations into any corporate crime-in-the-suites because , historically ,Republicans have *always* been *soft* on corproate crime until some financial collaspe makes the perpetraitors appear as the rogue elephant in the living room of John & Jane Q Public.
This , ofcourse , will embrace the *inevitable* corproate hogs-at-the-Gov-trough ;the military contractors ,whom heaved a collection rebel-yell that the fat years are back and guess who pays for the largesse and outright gred-fed-fraud that *will* inevitably result ; especially now that Congressional hearings are on Republican holiday.

Oh, and get ready for some real war and the inevitable, un[predicted srew-up that will trigger something the Bushites didn't plan for that doesn't just result in "Oil prcie-spike" profits.

Bottomline: Now that the Republicans have control of the entire electqable Gov't whatever happens from here on is officially "On Their Watch". Just the corproate cop now looking the other way *alone* means that we will all pay that price sooner than later.
Them that believes that war can be profitable won't be able to restrain themselves for long ; especially now that Congress is completely in their pocket.

Praise the Lord and pass the amunition