The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53259   Message #820098
Posted By: M.Ted
06-Nov-02 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Subject: RE: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Twenty odd years ago, was play at bar in a small town that had a big chemical plant--One night some truckers started requesting country songs and singing along-- then some townies asked for old rock n roll tunes, and tried to sing along louder than the truckers--

Then somebody hit on somebody else's girl friend and a fight broke out--The manager asked me to keep singing to distract the crowd while he went for the cops--Someone smashed a chair to pieces on the floor, then a pitcher of beer flew across the room--then tables started getting tipped over, more chairs were smashed--I looked over toward the bar and noticed that the bartenders were gone--

the next thing was like a scene from an old cowboy movie: someone threw a barstool and smashed the mirror behind the bar! I never imagined that anyone would actually do something like that--Then someone set some newspapers and napkins on fire--and I managed to drag most of my stuff out the back door--

The next morning, the cops came out to where I was staying with a couple of things that I'd missed, and my pay--they told me that my services would no longer be required, since the bar was closed for repairs--