The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53062   Message #820371
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Nov-02 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Prediction
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
Y'know, it's a real act of faith to believe that the key people in your chosen party are all good, and the key people in the opposing party are all liars, fools, jerks, scoundrels, etc... Never fails to amaze me how people can perform such a fatuous act of faith.

It's kind of touching, really. Sort of like believing in Santa Claus and the Grinch...or Jehovah and Satan.

Party politics is an organized religion.'s civil warfare without the guns and bombs. As we all know, the first casualty in war is the Truth.

The biggest obstacle in Hilary's way to becoming president would be her gender. I think it's virtually inconceivable that the American public would vote in a woman as president...yet. In this respect, America lags behind much of the world. Even some predominantly Islamic countries have had a female head of state! Yet in the USA it remains very, very unlikely to this day.

Such is the power of tradition and habitual thought patterns. We are far from achieving true equality, but we keep moving hesitantly forward.

- LH