The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53062   Message #820382
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Nov-02 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Prediction
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
Unfortunately, you won't see that as long as the "old boys" club continues running the show. In Canada we had the experience of a female leader in the Conservative Party once...on an occasion when that party (which was still clinging to power) had not a chance in hell of winning the next election.

She was a sacrificial lamb. Pure and simple. They will nominate a female for the top spot, if they figure they most likely can't win anway. The Old Boys don't want one of their own to go down in the fray if they can possibly avoid it...

What worries me in Hilary's case is that the Democrats might run her under precisely those kind of circumstances. If, on the other hand, the Republicans really screw up and lose popular support in the next 2 years, the Democrats would be more likely to do the usual thing, and run a male candidate for president.

- LH