The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53062   Message #820480
Posted By: NicoleC
06-Nov-02 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Prediction
Subject: RE: BS: A Prediction
Prediction: We will have a black President before a female one.

Harpgirl, I disagree. There are a few. I have two veteran female Senators of one of the most populous and richest states in the country, and neither one has a husband in politics.

The wives just get more press.

Bobert, I have a plan for you. We'll make it illegal for men to vote, be lawyers, hold public office, and in most cases aren't entitled to public education. We'll keep you around to clean the house and for reproductive services.

Sound crazy? 100 years ago, that was the way it was for women. I don't seriously think a female government would be much better -- women can be just as greedy, power-hungry and backstabbing as men -- but I doubt women would do any worse!