The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53259   Message #820487
Posted By: JedMarum
06-Nov-02 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Subject: RE: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
... seen too many drunks to find 'em amusing, anymore ... have always managed to avoid suffering any personal or equipment damage, so far ... I did get hit by one driving home a couple of weeks ago.

... have had a few nice offers along the way, some tempting but I've never taken 'em up on it ... have seen quite a few fights, quite a few times when some young buck wants to show the cops just how tough he is; and I have always been impressed with how quickly and neatly the cops dispatch these young drunken idiots.

Never been stiffed by a club owner .. though one festival I played got rained out completely and we only got half. Have had a few women threaten to disrobe to various levels ... always seems to happen on St Paddy's day.

I played a place in Worcester Massachussetts where the crowd loved us, came out to see us every time we were there, requested their favorite songs, would sing along with us, but they'd still walk up and throw a quarter in the juke box while you were playing, if the urge hit them!