The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53388   Message #821473
Posted By: Willie-O
08-Nov-02 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: Search for the saddest song ever.
Subject: RE: Search for the saddest song ever.
Stan Rogers' "First Christmas Away From Home".

One of his very worst efforts, although I don't mean to imply there were a lot of them. It's just that he didn't do anything by half-measures.

"But its warm and clean and free, and there are worse places to be,
And at least it means no beating from her Dad,
First Christmas away from home."


Also Danny Boy, as sung by Eva Cassidy in the posthumously released "Imagine"--of course it includes the line "And I am dead, as dead I well may be". Sung with true feeling. (FTR, I am listening to this right now. I like it.)

don't REALLy get me started.