The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53403   Message #821824
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
08-Nov-02 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: First Christmas Crap Sighted
Subject: RE: BS: First Christmas Crap Sighted
There is sometbing to what you say, but imagine this:

You are 82 years old, your joints hurt and you are afraid of ice. Yet you want to make gifts for your family, such as a Christmas quilt. Wouldn't you want to get your supplies before December?

You make money crafting Christmas items which you sell as a small busines. You need to get your raw materials ahead of time.

Your church or club is having a holiday fair to raise money for a good cause. You need time to make things.

You have a stressful job, kids, pets, parents, siblings, a home and at least one car to take care of. You want to do your Christmas shopping in a leisurely fashion, picking up items when you come across them. This can't be done in a couple of weekends.

Me, I work retail, and I ignore the Christmas things until I'm ready for them. I take time to enjoy fall and Thanksgiving, and I move into Christmas when I feel like it. It's called taking control of your life.