The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53410   Message #821845
Posted By: Murray MacLeod
08-Nov-02 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Non-ASCII Character wanted
Subject: BS: Non-ASCII Character wanted
About five years ago, I used to subscribe to the Flatpick-L list.

One of the subscribers to the list used to make a habit of signing off with "Just my two cents" but instead of "Just my $0.02" which is the usual form, he somehow was able to print a character for the "cents" which looked like a "c" with a forward slash "/" bisecting it. Ultra kewl, but I have never seen this anywhere else.

I have tried searching the Flatpick-L archives, but to be honest, I cannot wade through the contributions of all these redneck good ol'boys without vomiting, so I am just wondering if any ASCII whizz-kid on Mudcat can assist?
