The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53403   Message #822035
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
09-Nov-02 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: First Christmas Crap Sighted
Subject: RE: BS: First Christmas Crap Sighted
Yeah ,unfortunately signs of Christmas advertising paraphanalia already showing up *before Halloween*
which i find particularly disheartening.

For me Christmas Season decoration should not , and *did* not when I was a lad, until tastefully *after Thanksgiving*.

Nowadays the real signaling of the beginning of the Xmas marketing season began this week past with the Federal Reserve lowering the Fed Funds rate to Japanese levels of 1.25% to get John & Jane Q. Consumer to get out there and *borrow & spend* in order to save the economy staying above water while business continues to keep it's financial powder dry
only to turn right around and wring it hands about how people should *save/invest* more.

For me, Christmas Season is first and always about visiting and spending quality time with one's extended family swaping stories ,making music ,being the surrogate uncle to all children ;
in essense I suscribe to being a very outwardly devout Fezziwiggist fueled by the intuitive joy over who's birthday it is that inspires it all and without whom this season's magic would never have the meaning that makes it so ;-)

In this light ,so as far as the over-commercialization in the stores I just consider the source and seek not my sense of joy there anyway because that's not where the intuitive joy comes from to begin with. Something about rendering unto Caesar what it his and so forth. For me Caesar's various commercial palaces are rather irrelevent . I find alot of the over-commercialization of the *politically correct* de-spiritualized Pop-culture music so as not to offend the potential gravy-train harvest of the wallets of the non- .un-. and even anti-Christians about as much of a perversion of the season as all the of Macy's Day parading Coca-Cola Santas. ( Yes , the red and white suited Santa was every bit a commercial concoction of the Coca-Cola company around the turn-of-the-century last for these are precisely the trademark colors of the Coca-Cola logo )