The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53419   Message #822271
Posted By: reggie miles
09-Nov-02 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Traveller Discrimination Update...
Subject: RE: BS: Traveller Discrimination Update...
I'm not disputing the facts you've presented here but from what I've gathered about these folks via newscasts it seems that they have made their bed as the saying goes. They've preyed upon innocent people, posing as honest laborers and then used deceit to con money with no intention of providing the services they represent. It's called fraud. I'm fairly certain that we're just discovering the tip of the iceberg concerning their wrong doings and I believe that this is what's behind this prosecutor's actions. It has been difficult for authorities to prosecute this sort crime. Those who profit by such acts quickly move about from community to community to remain undetected by local law enforcement. This unfortunately is the same pattern used by the men who shot all of those innocent people on the east coast. They too evaded capture via constant flight, or as you so innocently refered to it as, "being nomadic". This is a group of career criminals that has been sought after by many for their deeds. Now, with this recent media attention, perhaps we'll start to see them begin to reap the rewards of their actions.