The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5464   Message #822335
09-Nov-02 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: Musical Puns?
Subject: RE: Musical Puns?
For JB3

I learned the Hippopotamus song
"I had a hippopotamus I kept him in a shed"
way back in the early 70's, may even be late 60's.Mainly because it had easy chords at the time I started fooling around with a guitar.
Now and then, sometimes on request I come out with it at a singaround. The words I've got are different in places eg "frolicked with the Rector" rather than "frolicked with vigour" with no "dum de dum" between verses.Also I have two extra verses.
I learned my version in Cheltenham,Gloucestershire, would be fascinated to learn where you first heard it and when.