The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53423   Message #822485
Posted By: The Pooka
09-Nov-02 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Imperialism & Fake Election Mandates
Subject: RE: BS: US Imperialism & Fake Election Mandates
McG of H: "In neither case is it the same as 'hating America'."


But you're wrong that " out of ten Americans couldn't bring themselves to vote for either side in your recent elections..."

(a) The turnout of **persons over age 18** -- the "Voting Age Population" (VAP)--- is estimated at 39.3% Washington Post,
and will go up when official figures are compiled (because news-media estimates are based on votes cast for particular offices, which are always lower than true total turnout since not every voter votes for every office).

(b) "VAP"-based turnout estimates are skewed very low anyway, because a very substantial percentage of the VAP *isn't registered* and thus CANNOT vote.

(c) No, that non-registration rate is not chiefly a reflection of abstentionist policy-disenchantment with the political parties. Just as in the UK I'd imagine, it is more a function of economics, demography, and legal ineligibility (the VAP figures include a lot of non-US-citizens, temporarily disfranchised felons, etc.)

(d) Turnout of *registered voters* in this *off-year* election was probably 55-60%. In a Presidential election it is more like 75% - 80%.

(e) Example: In my not-hotly-contested state of Connecticut (no US Senate race here this year)last Tuesday's turnout of those registered, unofficially but very-close-to-officially --- this is my government office's website and I do the numbers so I know --- was 56.4%. CT 2002 Turnout. And when I get all the finalized corrected data it will be a wee bit higher. Trust me on this. :)

Granted, 50-60% turnouts are nothing to brag about. Still, let us be accurate. It ain't no 30% either. / BTW, what was it in the UK last May? ;)