The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53410   Message #822645
Posted By: Bill D
10-Nov-02 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Non-ASCII Character wanted
Subject: RE: BS: Non-ASCII Character wanted
yep, John..."different strokies for different folkies"......I sure do see how your situation is delicate when work depends on it. I think I'd go mad if I had to be that careful! *grinning at all the toys I play with* (I am not sure how a font just 'being there' could mess up a layout...but *shrug*, the workings of computers can't be as easily looked at as 3-D stuff like pipes and boards.)

(I gather that you run a pair of networked machines...that is next on my list, as my son needs access to online stuff, and we don't want another phone line....and DSL and cable are still pretty expensive...and not totally stable, yet!)

For most of the world, PCs and online stuff is really pretty new...most of us have only been using it for 5-6 years, and I still remember my ex-boss being glad to have a TRS-80 when 'most' work was on mainframe over a 1200 baud modem!.......I wonder if we will EVER have a standardized, dependable way of using all this---free from viruses and not crashing randomly. I suppose not...*sigh*