The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53419   Message #823227
Posted By: Wolfgang
11-Nov-02 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Traveller Discrimination Update...
Subject: RE: BS: Traveller Discrimination Update...
Authorities say Madelyne Toogood, 26, gave a false address and name when applying for a Michigan driver's license and state identification card in May. A conviction could carry up to five years in jail.

getting her learning permitt in the only manner a nomadic individual may

These two informations from different posters don't fit yet with each other. If the giving-a-wrong-name information is true this can hardly be the only way a nomadic indicidual may get that permit.

However, even if she gave a wrong name it was way back in May, and I am far from convinced that an arrest on a Friday evening was the only possible option. 'Overreaction' seems to be a mild word for describing the authorities' handling of the case.
