The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53449   Message #823594
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Nov-02 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Subject: RE: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
War never HAS to occur...prior to the first shot. Someone decides on that first shot. It's after that first shot that war becomes unavoidable for a whole lot of people.

That's why it's best to give a great deal of thought to deciding whether or not to fire the first shot.

Most wars of aggression have been arranged in order to convince the public of the aggressor that the "other guys" fired the first shot. Japan's war in China in the 30's was launched through such a ruse. So was Hitler's attack on Poland, which brought about the Second World War. So was America's large scale intervention in Vietnam and her war on Spain in 1898. Etc...etc...etc... All of these were trumped up ruses...or fortuitous circumstances (the battleship Maine most likely blew up in Havana harbour due to her own ammunition magazine exploding from unstable ammunition...NOT due to any action by the Spanish).

It's usually quite easy to convince a given public that the other guys shot first. A cinch, in fact. But it may not fool too many people in other nations...

When will the death of a few justify the further death of many? Ask yourself that before launching a war.

When is a negotiated surrender of the losing side preferable to unconditional surrender and total humiliation of them? Ask yourself that before dropping atomic bombs on people.

- LH