The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53497   Message #823708
Posted By: Art Thieme
11-Nov-02 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Old time Border Radio clips-history-please listen
Subject: RE: Old time Border Radio clips-history-please listen
The Carter Family was there then. Read the pretty fine bio of the Carter Family-----WILL YOU MISS ME WHEN I'M GONE by Mark Zwonitzer with Charles Hirshberg----(Simon and Schuster -- 2002)

It's a good read that makes all of the Carters (and Johnny Cash) very human. You get both sides of all of them----the light and the dark. Although Maybelle seems to have been simply a very fine and grand person. The few times I heard her in person that's exactly how she seemed. A.P. was aparently eccentric and rather unique. Sara was just how she sounded on her ecords, pretty much in charge. She made her life conform to her wishes at the moment.

All three benefited from the sheer (((***P-O-W-E-R***))) of those border radio stations. It was a time of no Internet or sattelite communications and their fame was spread far and wide by those super-powerful transmitters. The antics of the boss were pretty fantastic too!!!

Art Thieme