The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53492   Message #823715
Posted By: greg stephens
11-Nov-02 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: What has the US ever done for us?
Subject: RE: BS: What has the US ever done for us?
Things I like:
90% of the music I love
Marx bothers
james stewart
moby dick
frankfurters(i've heard they dont come from frankfurt)
chuck yeager
some good friends
bobert's house
helping us out in our big troubles

things I dont like
people telling me how religious they are
people who tell me about their feelings
people who lecture me about irish politics
g bush
people who lecture me about scottish history
peter paul and mary's harmonies
root beer
that strange white gravy with bits in(not sure about this, I'm ambivalent)
films with tom cruse or nicole kidman
putting the accent on the first syllable of "REsearch"
putting everything round the edges of towns instead of in the middle