The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53492   Message #823952
Posted By: DonMeixner
12-Nov-02 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: What has the US ever done for us?
Subject: RE: BS: What has the US ever done for us?
Beyond lending most of Europe the money to defend themselves during two world wars. Money that most of Europe hasn't seen fit to repay I can't think of a thing the US has done or should have felt obligated to. We didn't give anyone fast food or bad movies or hot cars or great and not so great music. That was all bought from the market place by willing consumers who never heard of or understood the meaning of "caveat emptor".

What has Europe given me, nothing, all that I have thats European I paid for. Beyond the language, some truly great music and art, and maybe Dr. Who, everything else I need exists in abundance right here in central New York

What has the US given me? Nothing but the opertunity to succeed or fail. Everything else I have worked for and earned.
