The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53491   Message #823999
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Nov-02 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Final Vet's Day Thanks to Wellstone
Subject: RE: BS: A Final Vet's Day Thanks to Wellstone
Lepus, quit being a jerk. You don't even have a clue what that post was about. First off, the poem is beautiful, and one I first read a long time ago. Second off, I don't need to drop names and that isn't what the post was about. This person is a troll who posts things to get a reaction. If you took a few minutes to investigate, you would find that Senator Wellstone, may he rest in peace, was not a veteran. Then if you would check a few other threads, you would find that this person, using a number of aliases, has an axe to grind with regard to anything that remotely resembles honoring veterans, as she thinks that is advancing an agenda instead of just realizing that it doesn't advance an agenda rather it just says "Thanks". And finally, if you would use your head, you would realize that this person is using the name of one of the most honorable and decent men who ever walked the halls of Congress to advance her own agenda.
