The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53449   Message #824166
Posted By: Bobert
12-Nov-02 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Subject: RE: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Well said, GUEST, and you are absolutely correct in the cost of war on the Earth's society. It has become too small and dangerous for mankind to continue solving conflict with violence. If mankind is to survive, which is debatable, our leaders are going to have to show courage and become proactive in pro-human activities, rather than reactive which has solved little but created a high level of mistrust, vengence and insecurity.

America's Boss Hogs won't get it until the working class is so squeezed that it just can't take it any more. That is certain to happen. Everywhere we look we see his greed and we see just how little he cares about the working class. Like you say, GUEST, our schools are a skeleton of what they used to be and Boss Hog has a plan to gut them even further with a voucher system that benefits the wealthy, not the working class. In Social Security, the same plan. Gutting in favor of the wealthy. Health Care? Like you say, 42 million without any and those who do have insurance have no protections from Boss Hog's PPO's and HMO's deciding what *level* of care you're gonna get or just *drop your butt* fir having the audacity to get sick.

So, GUEST, the squeeze play is on. The working c,lass will figure it out sometime and when they do, things are gonna get real ugly, as national strikes become the tool of the little man and when Boss Hog uses the National Guard and Reserves to force Joe Six-Pack to work. Yeah, Boss Hog is very much like the pigs in "Animal Farm" and we know how that ended, don't we...

Greed is some purdy evil stuff...
