The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53259   Message #824184
Posted By: Glen Reid
12-Nov-02 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Subject: RE: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
I equate pool tables with projectiles ie: pool cues, pool balls, beer bottles all being used as weapons and often directed at the band, either by accident, or otherwise.
In my initial post I mentioned having a beer bottle used as a weapon, missing the intended victim and exploding in my face, upon impact with the microphone.
Here is an example of a projectile being hurled, from the stage, at the audience.
But, with a different twist!

Once again its the early 70,s and I'm part of a country band ,in a working mans tavern
(definatly not a 4 star establishment).
Freddie ,the leader of the band, was a large man, 350lbs. and totally blind from birth.
He played his guitar flat on his lap, much like a dobro, in a seated position.
Like so many others, of that time, excessive drinking was a way of life.
This man was quite a legend and a big influence on me.(He taught me an appreciation for, warm beer for breakfast, among other things).

His preparation for the gig would be a six-pack of beer on an empty stomach (he could only eat late at night, after the show was over).
Often he had difficulty keeping those first few beers down,
and well......

Its Friday night and the place was packed. Directly in front of the stage was a big round table fully seated with happy revellers.
These folks were completly caught off gaurd and never knew what hit them, when between verses of "I,m MOvin' On" ,he let go with a glut of warm beer (remember, he didnt eat).

The owner of the bar, angrily demanded, we pack up and get the hell out of his establisment, because this was not the first time something like this had happened, and he was sick of it and most certainly his customers were as well.

With an indignant aire of self righteousness, Freddie's reply was,

"I dont know what the hell everyone,s so upset about, there was no groceries in it".

I guess you just had to, have been there.

Cheers, Glen