The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53259   Message #824391
Posted By: Glen Reid
12-Nov-02 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Subject: RE: Road Musicians, just paying their dues!
Hey Rick, You never responded to my question about deterants for unwanted stage guests?(10 or 12 posts back)

I just cant imagine you baby sitting, there must have been a pretty good incentive besides big TV,s and good records?

Hi Stephen Lee, I guess the best education I ever got ,was the times I spent, in the trenches ,so to speak, with all the wonderfull and crazy characters that I met and worked with in those days.
I didnt know it back then, but I guess I never realized what appropriate behavior was, until I sobered up and joined the real world.
All the best,