The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53449   Message #824430
Posted By: Ireland
12-Nov-02 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Subject: RE: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
My involvement in this thread is simply due to it being raised over the Remembrance period, I usually do nothing but reflect on my lost friends over this time. Although my friends lost their lives in July and August,but in the spirit of remembrance I think of them on Remembrance Sunday as a part of the group of people who lost their lives in world conflicts.

We have all year to have such sentiments that guest has raised, it was imo wrong to have these views raised at present. The should I shouldn't I quandary that was posted was done so to get a reaction, which plays on the emotions of the veterans.

That is why we get vets who are peace activists take offense at such posts as it undermines the service they and their friends gave to their country. Guest is wanting to have his/her views respected but is unwilling to do the same for others.

Why on one of the most important times to vets raise such issues,why not let them have their day and show some respect to them for what they went through,I'll not apologise for asking for this,they deserve it.

I'm not attacking any peace activist Nicolec, the way I feel about it is simple,no matter how well meaning people are,the anti war bumph has no place on vets day because to me no matter if people mean it or not I see it as an attack of those I remember and a slight on what they stood for. Vets of all people do not need to be told of the consequences of war and how bad it is,they have not the luxury of reading about it or going to films they went through it. I know people like guest know that this is a highly sensitive time for vets but they still post such threads.

Think of it this way how many vets protested the V.Nam war and how many remember their friends on Veterans day,probably all of them that's not saying they agree with war does it.But they will not tolerate condemnation or the idea of it of their fallen friends,it's part of protecting their memory and what they went through. Well thats the way it is for me, plain and simple hands off.

Living in a world of be nice and get along is wishful thinking which I am guilty of,fact is no matter where we go there is always going to be someone who wants that little bit more gets it and then wants it all. How do we cope with that hopefully with peaceful means,but sure thats wishful thinking.