The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53449   Message #824469
Posted By: Bobert
12-Nov-02 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Subject: RE: BS: Courage of Your Convictions

I mean absolutely no disrespect to you but there is no attack on vets occuring on this thread. I spoke of my own losses and my intent to relect upon their lives on another thread this pat Sunday night. In a manner, those of us who have suffered thru the horendous wars of the last 60 years are all *vets*. We have all lost frineds, some, myself included, have lost family members and we have all seen the mindlessness of the fruits of bad foriegn policies.

This isn't about vets verses folks working for peace. Not at all. We are brothers and sisters united in a single vision.

The drum beaters would have us at each others throats but there is no "each others" unless we buy into that PR ploy of dividing and conquering. You are my brother and I am yours. And as my brother, I love you.

Now, lets get back to the unfotunate task at hand of stripping away the PR campaign that has been waged against *us* by the drum beaters and try to figure out a way to let the drum beaters know that *we* expect them to set their drums down and consider breaking a cycle of failed human behavior and repalce it with a pro-human, pro-Earth policies that foster trust, communication, sharing and caring.

Too much to ask? How can peace loving people ask for anything less?
