The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53449   Message #824490
Posted By: DougR
12-Nov-02 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Subject: RE: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
I don't think that the Mudcat has yet reached the point where an unidentified "Guest" can dictate what a MEMBER says in any thread. IMO, you only believe that Ireland is flaming, because you do not agree with his point of view.

Bobert: "If mankind is to survive, which is debatable, our leaders are going to have to show courage and become proactive in pro-human activities, rather than reactive which has solved little but created a high level of distrust, vengence and insecurity." You didn't put that statement in quotes, so I assume it is yours. Are you concerned because President Bush is not acting pro-active rather than reactive? He IS being pro-active for the citizens of the United States who want to continue to live in the same world they lived in prior to 9/11.

You counter your own argument against war at any time, when you say in a later post, "Might can be right ...etc., etc. Where you coming from my friend?

Davetnova: "Japan did not invade America."?? Would you agree that Japan attacked America?

Kim: your statement about not knowing much about WWII. I think that is sad, but I don't think it is your fault. The schools in America have become so traumatized by the politically correct community they are afraid to report history as it happend, for fear of offending our enemies in WWII.

Guest: (I know not who of course) "We ourselves have become what Britain once was--a greedy, bloated, bloodthirsty empire." What a bunch of horse shit. How many countries have we over run and made our own in the past hundered years? I wish you would take your trolling to another forum. You're having too much fun in this one, though, I guess. Someday we will learn not to feed you (hopefully).

Do I feel safer? Yes, I do. Because we are more aware of the dangers that could befall us. I think we are one hundred percent more alert to those possible dangers than we were prior to 9/11.

McGrath: "And I dearly wish that people in power could focus their attention on the real threats ..." They are McGrath, they are. Their "threats" just don't happen to coincide with yours that's all.

Guestjhop: Anyone who is not familiar with Daniel Ellsburg and his treasonous acts should not be in discussions such as this, IMO.

Nicole: For a comprehensive discussion on the subject of why we probably will, and should, invade Iraq, I refer you to this morning's Diane Rheme show on NPR. The first hour. I'll check out a website for you if you like and refer you to it. Diane's guest was the Editor in Chief of a British publication who has studied the Iraq situation over the past several years and has just authored a new book on Saddam and the Iraqi situation. Sorry I don't remember the name of the publication. It was an excellent discussion I thought.
