The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53449   Message #824494
Posted By: GUEST
12-Nov-02 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Subject: RE: BS: Courage of Your Convictions
Ireland, please, please read more closely before you use your trigger finger on the reply button.

The quote in your last post was not written by me, but the author of the article I quoted from--I am not sniping at anyone, but trying to discuss and learn ways we can stop the war machine. Those are my motives and intentions.

This thread was titled according to the title of the sermon/article I posted. My purpose for posting it was to engender discussion of the ways that some veterans and supporters of the military interject their own agendas into the debate among those looking to find non-violent and peaceful solutions to international problems, in an attempt to undermine their work. If THAT is something you want to discuss, then let's go for it. I quoted in another thread, another article by Christopher Hitchens, which is quite germane to that very problem. NicoleC has addressed it here too, in her post of 1:27.

Many of us feel a definite sense of urgency to stop the war train here in the US, and in Europe. What we do towards that end isn't just being done here in the discussion forum. But the forum does allow those of us with a sincere interest in these issues, the opportunity to clarify our thoughts, debate the salient points, and respond to current events. It is one tool among many that some of us might use in our anti-war work.

So when chicken-hawk posters intent upon being contrary just for the sake of being contrary raise their heads in these sorts of threads, it can be frustrating. I want my thoughts and ideas to be challenged, because we need all the good ideas and arguments we can get to stop the war train, and that is the only way to sharpen and clarify them. I'm really not interested in arguing with people who are happily riding the war train into Baghdad, unless their challenges are substantive, and not just abusive and reactionary.

I learn from people who disagree with me--I learn a lot that way. But I've really no time or sympathy for people who are just trying to throw a wrench in the works for jollies. Now, I don't know what your motives are, nor will I try and second guess what your reasons are for suddenly popping up here, after trying to tangle with me elsewhere. But I'm putting you on notice here, I'm not playing the goading game. I'm here to discuss things--hopefully with respect and some humor (though mine is pretty ironic, which I know offends the literally minded). And with good intentions.

But you will judge me your way. That's fine. I can live quite easily with that.