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Thread #53491   Message #824780
Posted By: GUEST
12-Nov-02 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Final Vet's Day Thanks to Wellstone
Subject: RE: BS: A Final Vet's Day Thanks to Wellstone
Some excerpts from various sites around the net on Wellstone:

Senator Wellstone has been honored and awarded by the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the Disabled American Veterans, the Minnesota chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Minnesota Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Vietnam Veterans of America for his commitment to veterans' issues.

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In Minnesota, the 1.9 million member Veterans of Foreign Wars has endorsed none other than that national peacenik, Paul Wellstone. This might seem odd, but while Bush and prominent GOPers are hot to send young men off to be maimed in war, it is Democrats like Wellstone who have emerged as champions of the needs of yesterday's veterans.

Folks like Krugman and Josh Marshall highlighted a while ago the Bushies attempt to keep veterans from finding out about available benefits. Now Bush is threatening to veto the defense bill because it has expanded benefits for disabled veterans. And it is Democrats leading the charge to pass the bill and, if necessary, override Bush's veto.

There's an old harsh joke about the GOP on abortion that they are pro-life until the child is born, after which they are on their own. Similarly, the Bush and the GOP seem to be pro-soldier when sending them off to battle, but when they come back they seem to be on their own.

No wonder peaceniks like Wellstone are getting the endorsements of veterans.

Posted by Nathan at October 08, 2002 02:00 PM

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In 1996, Wellstone's opponent, Boschwitz, ran one ad in which Wellstone's face was transposed to the body of a stabbing victim to show he was "soft on crime." In another, Wellstone was accused of burning the flag. Veterans from the VFW and the Disabled Veterans of America and the new-generation Vietnam vets rushed forward to defend him on that. He has a cordial relationship with the veterans, despite his conspicuous past as a antiwar protester while he was a professor. For the vets, it's more important that Wellstone answers their every letter and phone call. Last year, the Vietnam Veterans of America gave him its Legislator of the Year Award.

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Paralyzed Veterans of America Honors the Legacy of Senator Paul Wellstone for his Advocacy on Behalf of Veterans

Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) died Friday, October 25 when his airplane went down in northern Minnesota near the town of Eveleth. Wellstone was travelling with his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia, three campaign staffers and the two pilots. There were no survivors.

Wellstone was first elected to the Senate in 1990. Campaigning as an underdog, he was the only winner on election day to unseat an incumbent. During his two terms in the Senate, he earned the admiration and gratitude of veterans for his work on their behalf.

As a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, Wellstone helped pass legislation that assisted homeless veterans as well secured compensation for the "atomic veterans" who developed cancers resulting from radiation exposure during their time in the military.

Last June, the "Wellstone Provision" in a supplemental appropriations bill added $417 million for veterans' health care. Wellstone led the charge on this additional funding. When it passed in the Senate, he said: "I am very pleased that we were able to secure this funding to improve VA health care," Wellstone said. "It is a simple question of priorities. We made a promise to the men and women who served our country that we would provide them with high quality health care and decent services. We should not walk away from our promise, and this new funding will undoubtedly improve the quality of care in VA facilities in Minnesota and nationwide."

PVA President Joseph L. Fox, Sr., said: "The passing of Senator Wellstone deprives veterans everywhere of a real ally on Capitol Hill. His concern for the welfare of veterans and people with disabilities was genuine and passionate. We will certainly miss him."