The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53512   Message #825267
Posted By: Dead Horse
13-Nov-02 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Tommy Note
Subject: Lyr Add: THE TOMMY NOTE
As scanned from Victoria's Inferno.


You Boatsmen and colliers all, Come listen to my ditty,
I'll sing you a song before its long. It is both new and pretty;
It is concerning Tommy Shops, And the high field ruffian
He pays you with a tommy note; You must have that or nothing.
Fal de ridle ral.

With the colliers I begin 'How they pay each other,
Nothing have they but a tommy note, From one week to the other,
On Saturday when a week's work is done. And to receive their money,
The high field devil has learned a trick, To pay them off with tommy,

The boatsmen now I bring in, That sails from high fields to runcan;
The boatsmen and their wives, They curse him at the junction.
And all belonging to the branch That know the art of boating,
Wishing the tiller down his throat, It would be a means to choak him.

When they have done their runcan voyage And go to receive their money,
One half stops for hay and corn The other half for tommy,
Then to the tommy shop we go, To fetch our week's provision,
Their oatmeal, sugar, salt and soap, Short weight and little measure.

Saying if we had money instead of this, Provision we could have plenty,
The profit they get out of us, Is nine shillings out of twenty,
Then we jump on board the boat, And the children look so funny,
The voyage we so cheerful go, Till we have eat all our tommy.

There is one amongst the rest, That knows the art of boating,
He vows and swears a wive he'll have So long he has gone a courting.
He vows he will married be, Come listen to my joke sir,
And when the parson's done his work, I will pay him with a tommy note sir.

Now we have finished our voyage, The children look so funny,
For here at runcan we do lie, And have eat all our tommy,
Come gear the horse and clear the line, And jump on board the boat sir,
Both night and day we'll stear our way, For another tommy note sir.
Fal de ridle ral.

In order to use the above tune minor textual modifications are required.
The chorus refrain has been omitted in this arrangement.