The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53542   Message #825506
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Nov-02 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Checking a computers history
Subject: RE: Tech: Checking a computers history
There's a gadget called, I think, Key Check, which installs between the PC and keyword. It records every keystroke.... The cost is about US$20. and I've seen it advertised on the Web.

There are also "sniffer" programs out there -- for free -- which create a passworded, invisible (to the person being sniffed) file on the PC, in which are recorded all of the keystrokes. You could also check out the PCs cookies...most websites load 'em onto PCs.

If you connect through a server to which you have root (administrator for those who are unenlightened enough to use NT or similar) access, you could capture the keystrokes from that PC to a file on the server. Or, if you use the Solaris OS, you can use the snoop command and watch where everyone is going!

I know more about this than I care to, which is why I am somewhat paranoid.

DON'T do any of the above UNLESS you are the boss or you have the Big Boss direct you to do so in writing!

As for making sure data has been completely deleted from a hard drive: either use Norton or similar, or write binary across the HD a couple of times (you'll have to reinstall the OS, mind you). But the only way I know of to be ABSOLUTELY certain that all of the data on a hard drive is destroyed is to pile thermite onto the drive and ignite it (or use a thermite grenade). This WILL destroy the data, but it also destroys the PC...ya know, come to think about it....