The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53573   Message #825968
Posted By: Jeri
14-Nov-02 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Rap Music
Subject: RE: Rap Music
I saw the thread in question. The person asking for the lyrics never said what race s/he was or that s/he was a rapper. It doesn't matter. S/He just asked for the lyrics. We don't know that stuff unless the poster volunteers the information and half the time they're lying anyway. It really can't matter. If language is racist, it's racist regardless of who says it. To judge something OK or not based on the race of who's saying it is...racist.

Also, in this case, the thread had to have been deleted because ...because why? It's not the language. We've had worse. It's not because the person was asking for a modern song. That happens all the time. My guess is it was perceived to be a troll even after the person had apologised. But I guess we need parents to make sure we don't keep it going.

Guest A, I don't even think we're one half of one 'solitude.' We're a very small part of that solitude and we've separated traditional music from tradition. Or if you like, we've taken the music of the people away from the people - heaven knows they can't be trusted with it! (Deliberately not useing the "f" word.)