The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11231   Message #82654
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-May-99 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gun Threads - Has one Cat changed their mind?
Subject: RE: 'Gun Threads' Has one Cat changed their mind?
Well, I'd like to see firearms banished altogether. I think we'd all be a lot safer. I don't have actual numbers to prove it, but I think it's safe to say that a large number of firearms deaths are accidental or done in the passion of the moment, caused by people who would do otherwise if they had a chance to think about it.

That's my opinion. Unfortunately, there are many good people who sincerely disagree with my point of view, and those people have as much right to their opinion as I have to mine. While these discussions may not serve to change opinions, perhaps they will help us understand those we disagree with. I think that most people on both sides of the gun control issue are sincere and well-meaning in their beliefs. I think it's important for us all to understand that, and to treat our opponents with respect.

-Joe Offer-