The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53609   Message #826985
Posted By: Bat Goddess
15-Nov-02 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Broadband users, check your bill
Subject: RE: BS: Broadband users, check your bill
And I'd like to point out that having high speed access is not a luxury for us, but a business necessity for me -- I'm a freelance graphic designer and have to move large files around. And it wasn't available to us until about a year and a half ago. As a matter of fact, until then we only had one economical ISP to choose from that didn't necessitate using long distance charges to access. Cable arrived in our area right about the same time they decided to sign up people for just computer access with demanding basic TV access as well. Neither Tom nor I have watched television since 1983.

AT&T isn't the only one -- you have to pay attention to all bills as they'll try to get away with anything they can.

Linn (Curmudgeon's spouse)