The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53656   Message #827249
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Nov-02 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
Subject: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
Okay, take a good look at yourself and the music you play. Is it reminiscent of any famous musician(s)? How about your physical appearance? Your clothing? Your voice? The themes you sing about? Your lifestyle? Go to it, Mudcatters!

In my case:

1. Physically, I look a LOT like George Harrison did (and would even more so if I were to grow a mustache). I look a fair bit like Dylan too, mostly because I'm thin and have the wild hairdo, but I look more like Harrison, facially speaking. I'm taller than Dylan.

2. My songs, both lyrically and thematically are sometimes a whole lot like Dylan, sometimes not...and sometimes a bit like Buffy Sainte-Marie (although that is not too easy).

3. My voice? Maybe a bit like John Denver/Jackson Browne/Bob Dylan...all mixed up together. Not near so rough as Dylan, but a bit edgier than Denver. I envy Jackson Browne's clarity and range...hell of a good voice. I can't quite match his stretch on the high end.

4. My lifestyle? Like no one else I have ever heard of...but really quite sober and reasonable for all that. My material requirements are simple. I've never owned a TV, and didn't have a CD player until the late 90's sometime. I got by with records and tapes till the damn prices came down a bit. Don't have a DVD player for the same reason. You don't miss these things a bit if you choose to ignore them.

How about you?

- LH