The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53542   Message #827318
Posted By: Richard Wright
15-Nov-02 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Checking a computers history
Subject: RE: Tech: Checking a computers history

You mention Macs---

I have a stiuation where a recuring bill was finally spotted on our VISA. After several calls and some web searching (as the 800 numbers given on the VISA bill did not work in Canada) I reached a "biller" who told me the $60 per month was for a porno site. I hasten to add I had not signed on.
He kindly removed the billing and put a block on my card number.

And he gave me the name and e-mail address of the person who had signed up. It was a friend who had stayed with us for a few weeks.

Now, said friend says he did not steal my Credit Card number (though he could have easily as it turns out) and did not sign up. He agreed to pay the $500 bill. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn't. I am about to go to another town where the computer he used now resides, in another business we have. I intend checking it as completely as possible through searching for cookies etc.
Any suggestions as to where else I might look for usage history?

Sure would be nice to think he did not do it, but why else would his email be used for the password return as it seems to me he would then be the only one who could retrieve it.

Just when you think the world is a better place ....

Richard Wright