The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53656   Message #827668
Posted By: C-flat
16-Nov-02 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
Subject: RE: What famous musician(s) do you resemble?
I know I look like someone, I don't know who it is. but I was once accosted in a shop by a woman who grabbed my arm and said, "It IS you, isn't it?
I had to agree with her that it was indeed ME,
"I KNEW it was you!" she went on, then turning to her friends, shouted across the shop "See! I TOLD you it was him!" and they all smiled and waved at me sheepishly.
Happy at "meeting" whoever she thought I was, she left me standing in the line at the supermarket checkout suffering the stares of the other shoppers who, like me, were now all wondering who "I" was.
I'm glad she didn't ask me for an autograph.