The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53584   Message #827752
Posted By: SINSULL
16-Nov-02 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Update on Kendall
Subject: RE: BS: Update on Kendall
Warm and Fuzzies:

Kendall sang at the Side Door Cafe last night in Brunswick and was warmly greeted and applauded. He perfomed two songs perfectly and chose not to do a third although he was invited to. His voice is in better shape than his fingers. Practice! Practice! Practice!

One young man who runs the sound system for the cafe played on his "new" old Epiphone (Epiphany!...joke). He rambled a bit before he played about how it may not seem appropriate to play what he was about to play but he didn't know that a friend would be there tonight, etc. In short, he dedicated his performance of a blues/rock number to Kendall whom he obviously admired - another Kendall groupie. Later he asked me if he had embarrassed Kendall because he didn't have something more "folkie" prepared. The respect and admiration was touching.

There were of course the usual number of women young and old checking the old guy out. Sorry, Joe. If we can figure a way to bottle it, we could have the next hula hoop. And a lot of friends who were just glad to have him back and healthy. On the whole a very satisfactory "coming out party".