The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22506   Message #827763
Posted By: Suffet
16-Nov-02 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: The NexTradition
Subject: Going to Heaven on 12/14/02
Yup, you heard me right. On December 14th of this year, 2002, I'm planning a trip right through the Pearly Gates. No, I'm not suicidal. And, yes, I'm still a free thinker. So the Heaven I am talking about is Musical Heaven, as pure and simple and beautiful as anything can be, here on Earth or in the admittedly allegorical Great Beyond. And why December 14th? Because that's the night The NexTradition -- Alison Kelley and Ken Schatz -- share the evening's program with Erica Smith at the Peoples' Voice Cafe here in New York City. (I still like to call her Erica MacKenzie Smith, although she has dropped the MacKenzie from her billings of late.)

If you have never been to the Peoples' Voice, it's a trip and a half. It's an all-volunteer not-for-profit place which sells nutritious home baked snacks on the cheap, which is completely free from the odor of cigarette smoke, and which, above all, gives both the performers and the audience alike a fair shake. Where else can you get in for half price by saying that you're "up against the machine"?

Here's the skinny:

The NexTradition & Erica (MacKenzie) Smith
People's Voice Cafe at the Workmen's Circle
45 East 33rd Street (between Madison & Park Avenues)
Midtown Manhattan, New York City

Saturday, December 14, 2002
8:00 PM sharp
General admission: $10 or TDF voucher.
Peoples Voice or Workmen's Circle members: $7.
Senior or On Strike or Up Against the Machine: $5.

For more information about the Peoples Voice Cafe...
Telephone: (212) 787-3903
Website: click here!

Now a few words about the performers...

Wow! Wow! And wow again!

OK, I'll be a little more specific.

The NexTradition, Alison and Ken, sing a cappella, mostly traditional songs or songs written in traditional style. Expect to hear what Heather Wood of the legendary Young Tradition calls "deep roots and dangerous harmonies" as Alison and Ken sing anything from prison worksongs to maritime ballads to Kipling's poetry set to music. (Heather Wood, by the way, gave The NexTradition their name!)

Erica is a singer-songwriter, folksinger, anti-folksinger, guitar picking angel, subtle wit, and potential she-devil all rolled into one. And -- is it too politically incorrect to say this? -- she's pretty. I mean really pretty. She batted her eyelashes in my direction one time and I gave her my mountain dulcimer. (Alison and Ken ain't bad looking, either!) Rather than continuing my rant, let me point you to The NexTradition's and Erica Smith's respective websites.

TNT: click here!

Erica: click here!

I'll conclude with just two words -- BE THERE!

--- Steve