The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53584   Message #828116
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Nov-02 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Update on Kendall
Subject: RE: BS: Update on Kendall
I am of course glad Kendall's well and back, but he already knew that so I've just been reading along.....and, uh.........Well look, I really need to make a buck and I'm fascinated with the concept of bottling Kendall.

I think what's required here is to start witha list of ingredients, proportionate quantities, fermenting times....that sort of thing.............Hmmmmmm..........First and fivemost (I've already conquered foremost so I'm on to bigger things) we need to decide on the overall ambience (read:flavor) we're looking for. I mean I don't see kendall as a fizzy soft drink nor do I see him as any sweet wine....perhaps something on the dry side with a touch of sweet aftertaste.

But wines don't have enough fire to them, ya' know? Hmmmm......I can't see a Bourbon as Kendall although there is some potential in Brandy.......maybe a liqueur..........I dunno'....too artsy-fartsy............My brains heating up. Anyone got any ideas that would help? I'm gonna' turn on my floor model Gordon Bok Fan and see if I can cool down a bit.............
