The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53697   Message #828145
Posted By: Peg
16-Nov-02 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: ProChoice Next to Fall?
Subject: RE: BS: ProChoice Next to Fall?
How many pro-choice activists have actually killed anyone?

Whereas pro-life (ironic term that) activists have committed murder a number of times. For example, doctor and abortion provider Bernard Slepian got shot and killed on my birthday, in his own kitchen, by a sniper who was also a radical pro-life activist.

Freedom of speech ends when it interferes with another human being's (one who has been walking around the earth for a while already) right to be alive.

I used to live up the street from the Planned Parenthood at 1031 Beacon in Brookline. It was my only source of health care for several years. I watched it turn into a fortress of guards and metal detectors. Now it's an empty apartment no one want to live in. Don't talk to me about freedom of speech.