The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53657   Message #828170
Posted By: Tweed
16-Nov-02 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: New cartoon from R. Crumb
Subject: RE: New cartoon from R. Crumb
And all this vitriol coming from the Champion of Shatner? Good Lord, LH get a grip lad! A matter of taste not tolerance? Of course he's rude, lewd and crude but most of the world out there is just that way. You can't hide under a rock til it goes away. If you can be made to laugh at the ridiculous (our world) it becomes not so fearsome. Crumb is a genious at doing this for us, but you gotta trust yourself enough to let go and bust out laughing when Fat Freddy's cat sh*t's in his shoe or his "stash" or when yet another buxom teenybopper falls victim to the wise and revered Mr.Natural. ahhh...well you don't have to if you don't want to I guess, but they sure made me laugh out loud and sometimes even think for myself when I was younger.
Just try the Charley Patton comic link that Lonesome EJ left up there.

Crumb's History of Patton