The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53697   Message #828210
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
17-Nov-02 - 01:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: ProChoice Next to Fall?
Subject: RE: BS: ProChoice Next to Fall?
Well, Bobert ole buddy, I'ze gonna have ta disagree with ya a little on the Boss Hog aspect of that bankruptcy reform bill. From what I gather, when someone declares bankruptcy, the court assigns the creditors priority as to who will be paid what. The credit card companies have always been put at the tail-end of the line and often have to write off entire credit card balances. Now, if someone has to file for bankruptcy because of medical bills or losing a job or something like that it's one thing.   But if they've just gotten their ass in a financial sling and are using bankruptcy as a way to escape paying back a debt, that's something else. Personally, I don't like the fact that a portion of every check I send to VISA goes toward paying off debts that some other joker reneged on.

Now, on to the real issue at hand... From what I gather, some pols got the brilliant idea to score points with the right-to-lifers by sticking a clause in the bankruptcy reform bill that would give special consideration in cases where a major factor contributing to the bankruptcy is that one has been compelled to pay reparations, fines or court costs stemming from pro-life protest activities. I heard that it's not so much reparations for physical damage done to facilities that's the issue (though that's the one that gets the press) as it is that people who repeatedly get arrested during protests have incurred more in fines and court costs than they can pay and still have money left to pay their bills. I have always been a great supporter of non-violent civil disobedience and the pro-life folks certainly have the right to step over the line the law prescribes as long as they are willing to pay the price. However, to expect other people to have to pick up the tab for them is ludicrous, ridiculous and just plain wrong.

Fortunately, it appears that at least a few of the folks in Washington know bullshit when they see it and the bill got tossed. Too bad that what could have been a fair bill got hijacked by some jerks looking to curry favor and had to be shot down.
