The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53725   Message #828686
Posted By: masato sakurai
17-Nov-02 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swinging Along (Gladys Jacobs) scout song
Subject: Lyr Add: SWINGING ALONG (Gladys Jacobs)
Swinging Along
By Gladys Jacobs
Used by permission of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.

Part 1
Swinging along the open road,
Swinging along under a sky that's clear.
Swinging along the open road,
All in the fall, in the fall of the year.
Swinging along, swinging along,
Swinging along the open road,
All in the Fall of the year.

Part 2
Swinging along the open road,
Under a sky that's clear.
Swinging along the open road,
In the Fall of the year.
Swinging along, swinging along,
Swinging along the open road,
All in the Fall of the year.

(From HERE)
