The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21004   Message #829008
Posted By: GUEST
18-Nov-02 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
Subject: RE: BS: Were Vietnam veterans spat upon?
Ah yes, Real Warriors, Real Bards, manly men. Complete with long suffering women who perpetually grieve for them as their preferred form of worship. Heroes and sheroes all, those who are on the side of the Real Warrior. And for those who aren't, well it is obvious. They are The Enemy the Real Warrior must hunt down in thread after thread, to "regularly go after" until victory is his. For the Real Warrior has the unshakable certainty of their own moral superiority, and the certainty of victory. In an internet discussion forum.

There are now over 150 repetitive posts to this thread. A reasonable person might consider giving it up and letting it go.

A bit of a quagmire syndrome taking hold here, perhaps?