The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53738   Message #829056
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Nov-02 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: cats
Subject: RE: BS: cats
Yeah, Nicole, people have got this ridiculous idea that they can divide up the Earth into little squares and rectangles and OWN pieces of it! Unbelievable. It's led to a lot of trouble. Millions of Native Americans died at the hands of people with such an obsession, and entire species of animals and plants were obliterated...or driven far afield into the more remote wilderness areas which have yet escaped the voracious attention of those people.

Cats are smart. They know better than to give credence to the notion that this 4 x 6' plot is a "garden" and therefore not to be used by anyone except the dork who drew the boundaries around it. Birds are also smart enough to know that. So are insects. Matter of fact, only people are dumb enough to buy into such an arbitrary system of thought.

The fact is, the whole Earth is meant to be a Garden, and animals know that!

People have created a totally unnatural situation by banding together in such numbers and density (through their fear of other people and their greed for money and goods) as to create a dangerous and almost unworkable environment around themselves...called a "modern city" or a "subdivision". Another name for it could be: Hell on Earth.

If I may paraphrase the statement about cats on the cat-haters' website:

"PEOPLE (not Cats) are allowed to roam around freely, killing wildlife, spreading diseases, fouling the garden of the Earth with their excrement and garbage, damaging nature and breeding even more of their kind"

Dangerous vermin, indeed! One of them is worried about his garden! Oh, my... LOL!

- LH