The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53725 Message #829456
Posted By: Nancy King
18-Nov-02 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swinging Along (Gladys Jacobs) scout song
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: swinging along the open road
Masato, you are one fine searcher! Or were you a Girl Scout? ;>)
I was a Girl Scout, but I didn't learn this song there. I learned it probably twenty years ago from my friend Nan Goland, who I think did learn it in Scouts. We enjoy singing it together, with the words almost exactly as given above, except that the second line of Part 1 goes "Under sky, under sky that's clear." We usually sing it all the way through in unison first -- though we start with Part 2 (the lower part) and then do Part 1 (higher) -- and then break into the two parts. It sounds great and it's really fun to sing, but even though it's supposed to be a hiking song, I'm getting too old to hike and sing -- especially a spirited song like this -- at the same time!
I am totally clueless about posting tunes, but if anyone wants the tune(s) for this great harmony song, PM me and I'll get it to you one way or another.