The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53520   Message #829716
Posted By: GUEST,oliphant
19-Nov-02 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: The Man from God Knows Where
Subject: RE: Tune Req: The Man from God Knows Where
'Belfast' is undervaluing his contribution here. I have been listening to and working at the tune he has submitted, which he has described as 'derivative and predictable'. Certainly it feels familiar but I for one can't place its origins. This is, as they say, a Good Thing. And it's written for a seven line stanza. I don't see how it could be called predictable. Finally, it can be sung a capella (or even with a quiet bodhran ) and it works well. For me this is a useful way to judge the quality of a melody.