The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11234   Message #83001
Posted By: Banjer
31-May-99 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: Memorial Day
Subject: RE: Memorial Day
Rich R, yes, Memeorial Day is observed in the South, at least here in Florida. Confederate Memorial Day, April 26th, is also observed by many folks, although no official recognition is made. (That would be VERY un-PC, doncha know) It sometimes puzzles me as to why that is, were the "Soldiers of the Cause" not also Americans, just with different ideas? They still gave their lives for something they believed in! (Let's not get into all the possible discussions as to the causes and ramifications here on this thread, please, let's keep this one in the spirit of remembrance of ALL our fallen heroes, THANK YOU!) As mentioned earlier in this thread our reenactment unit takes part in several ceremonies. Yesterday's was at a local cemetery rededicating the Veteran's section and installation of a new plaque. All our historical eras were represented there, from the Revolutionary soldiers right up to modern day military uniforms. Our artillery unit was present as our Confederate image, and another was present as the union. The whole ceremony was well received by all and there are plans afoot already for an even bigger one next year.