The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53826   Message #831117
Posted By: Ebbie
20-Nov-02 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Dr Howells now insults the USA
Subject: RE: Dr Howells now insults the USA
I wonder just what model they use when they ask people to identify a country/region, etc. Is it a map - without names or titles - that gives just the silhouettes of the various countries? If so, there would be a LOT of countries I could probably not identify. Hey, I could probably identify all the US states by shape alone but I'm sure I'd have to stop and think at times if they were shown me without context.

By the same token, I'd have a lot of trouble with various countries. I know the approximate shape of some countries and/or regions- Germany, France and Italy, for instance, maybe even Iraq and Afghanistan, but Turkey, Siberia, Iceland (Sorry, Skarpi!), Luxembourg, et al- forget it. I'd be on the list of those-who-don't-know-squat.